Modern and cost-effective solutions for your chip, scrap and coolant management

Primetek has acquired Arboga Darenth/Nederman Machining
Primetek Systems AB
Let us show you how you can increase productivity, make money from scrap and coolants while improving both the internal and external environment.
Large-scale and rational production combined with high application knowledge means we can offer you modern and cost-effective solutions.
Let us make your handling of conveyors easy! We have over 1000m of various belts in stock.
We have a wide range of filter paper for the market’s most common filters – Order directly from our stock.
Our offer

Chip conveyors rationalize production through simple handling of chips and punching scrap

Over 1000m belts on stock
Primetek stocks a wide range of lamella belts and a complete range regarding sprockets, shafts, bearing units & drives. Over 1000m belts on stock
Our brands
Through the acquisition of Nederman Machining, and thereby the old Arboga-Darenth, we expand our offering in our own capacity. We offer a full-scale range of products and machines as well as full service and a complete spare parts assortment.
Arboga: 50 years of industrial history with sales worldwide before the divestment to Nederman in 2008. Traditionally also a strong position in the Swedish market with many different machines in the market that we can now offer service and spare parts for.

Successfully refined Arboga's history and contributed to the development of the products. Thanks to our acquisition of Nederman Machining, we can offer service and spare parts for machines delivered by Nederman within the segment.

Our own conveyors, our exclusive agencies, and with the acquisition of Nederman, Primetek strengthens its position in the Swedish and international market.

50 years of industrial history with sales worldwide before the divestment to Nederman in 2008. Traditionally also a strong position in the Swedish market with many different machines in the market that we can now offer service and spare parts for.

Successfully refined Arboga's history and contributed to the development of the products. Thanks to our acquisition of Nederman Machining, we can offer service and spare parts for machines delivered by Nederman within the segment.

Our own conveyors, our exclusive agencies, and with the acquisition of Nederman, Primetek strengthens its position in the Swedish and international market.

Out agencies
Primetek Systems AB is the long-standing exclusive general agent for the brands below. Contact us for more information.
ASTOS Machinery och deras avancerade tekniska lösningar gör dem erkända som ett topprankat europeiskt företag som levererar till kunder över hela världen.

ARP planerar och konstruerar miljöanpassade lösningar för spånhantering.
Världsledande inom shredders och vakumteknik.

Spån och skärvätskehantering med snillrika och robusta lösningar. T ex en spåncentrifug med lyftbotten som troligen är marknadens bästa. En helhetsleverantör till oss.

35-årig erfarenhet inom luftrening i många olika sektorer med miljön och hållbarhet i fokus.

Allert står för extremt hög kvalitet och levererar allt från standard- till specialband. Den starkaste kedjan på marknaden inom respektive segmentet sett till draghållfastehet och toleranser.

Ledande företag i Italien inom design av filtreringsutrustning för skärvätska och med en hel del maskiner ute på den Euorpeiska marknaden.